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Butter wouldn't melt?

(or..would it?!)

We all know puppies are extremely cute. But, we also know they are bloomin' hard work!


Thats why at ClickerTastic, we have a class just for puppies under six months old. Class sizes are kept very small so new puppy owners can get lots of 121 attention if need be. We are hoping you might make new friends too!


In this class we will be covering:


  • How to build a relationship based on trust and fun, which is invaluable for everything that will come your way!

  • How to read doggy body language and build confidence around new objects, people, dogs and situations

  • How to teach your dog new things whilst leaving him to think it's his idea!

  • Important skills such as: Building attention in a distracting environmen, Recall from fun things, Loose Lead Walking, Impulse Control and cues such as Sit, Stand, Down and Leave.




All ClickerTastic teams will be invited to join our official Facebook group :)


We are hoping it will develop into a supportive enviroment where everyone feels welcome, can share tips, photos or ask for advice!

Facebook Group

Puppy Classes

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